
Welcome to Howe About A Retreat!

Welcome to Howe About A Retreat, a brand-new retreat center situated in North Texas about 50 miles north of Dallas, right off 75 hwy, in a quiet country setting. The center will accommodate 8 – 14 retreaters with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. A well-equipped kitchen and sitting room (we have a massage chair). Longarm quilting services will be available on site, generally with a very quick turnaround, and you may even leave with some new goodies from her specially curated quilt shop. Retreats will begin in February.​Thanks, Lora Johnson & Gilbert Johnson (214-548-2552) howeaboutaretreat@yahoo.com
Double oven
two refrigerators
regular coffee pot with filters and coffee grounds
Keurig coffee pot with pods
cream, sugar, sweet-n-low
Filtered Water
Ninja blender
pots and pans
dinner ware
silverware, glassware
slow cooker
Salt and pepper
Paper towels
Hand towels, dish rags, hot pads
Sewing Area
Sewing table (14) Room to bring your Sew Easy table
Rolling chairs (14)
Individual ironing stations next to you
Two large Ironing Stations
Lots of design walls
Power Strips with USB ports at all stations
Excellent light
task lighting if needed
small fans
Sitting Room
Massage Chair
Full Size Couch
Stationary Chair
Two Cutting Stations
Large TV
Twin Beds with sheets and quilt
table lamp with USB port
additional power cords
towels, wash cloths
body wash
wash cloth for makeup removal
ear plugs
rinse cups
toilet paper
BBQ Grill (bring your own charcoal and lighter fluid)
Firepit (we have wood while it lasts)
Chickens for your entertainment